A member of Mennonite USA


Mennonite Central Conference

Language and Tradition

We all have recognized the toll the Covid-19 pandemic had on the world’s mental health. People began to recognize the importance of cultures and the connectedness they needed to maintain their mental health.
At KIMC we knew the importance of learning our language and feeling a part of our culture. We started a KIMC Cheyenne Language Youth Choir which allowed youth to learn their Native language and interact with each other. It gave our youth leaders a sense of pride and empowerment for the positive impact they were making in carrying on our language.
We hold regular bake sales where people can have fellowship and frybread as they pass the day. We also have events like the Winter Market where indigenous artists are encouraged to sell their jewelry and artwork. It is our responsibility to look out for each other during this time of shifting dynamics. We look forward to adding more programs and activities for our congregation and community in the future.

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KIMC Children's Cheyenne Language Choir